Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tennessee Deer Hunting - Fluorescent Orange Requirements

While Deer Hunting in Tennessee, regardless if you are hunting private land or on Wildlife management areas, these rules were set for Tennessee Hunting.

Fluorescent Orange: Hunters must wear on the upper portion of their body and head a minimum of 500 square inches of daylight fluorescent orange (blaze orange), visible front and back while hunting big game except on archery-only and turkey hunts. (A hat and vest fulfills requirements.) Blaze orange camo is legal if it contains 500 square inches of fluorescent orange. In those areas where the archery-only deer season dates overlap with another big game gun season (i.e. bear or boar), archers are required to wear 500 square inches of daylight fluorescent orange (TCA-70-4-124).

Your Host,
John Marshall
In State: 615-904-2556
Out of State: Toll Free 866-808-7028