Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tennessee Deer Hunting - Fluorescent Orange Requirements

While Deer Hunting in Tennessee, regardless if you are hunting private land or on Wildlife management areas, these rules were set for Tennessee Hunting.

Fluorescent Orange: Hunters must wear on the upper portion of their body and head a minimum of 500 square inches of daylight fluorescent orange (blaze orange), visible front and back while hunting big game except on archery-only and turkey hunts. (A hat and vest fulfills requirements.) Blaze orange camo is legal if it contains 500 square inches of fluorescent orange. In those areas where the archery-only deer season dates overlap with another big game gun season (i.e. bear or boar), archers are required to wear 500 square inches of daylight fluorescent orange (TCA-70-4-124).

Your Host,
John Marshall
In State: 615-904-2556
Out of State: Toll Free 866-808-7028

1 comment:

  1. Everything should be prepared well before you start deer hunting. No matter it is for your safety or to enjoy the hunting, you should choose good tools and hunting gear.I am always enjoying my deer hunting.
